# Groups
Once you added your field groups in the main configuration page, you can insert the desired groups into the product.

You can then drag fields into the inserted group and easily reorder them

The groups will be then displayed like this

The fields that are not added to any group will be displayed in the bottom.
# Collapsible option
You can choose to make the field collapsible and make it collapsed initially.

The collapsed group will be displayed like this

The customer can toggle the group by clicking on the header
# Control field
This feature allows you to duplicate a group dynamically based on the value of a control field.

Then, when the customer changes the value of the control field, the group will be duplicated accordingly.

If the customer sets the control field to 0, the duplicated group will be removed.
The value of the original fields will be the sum of the values of the duplicated fields.
For example, based on the values displayed in the above screenshot, the value of the diameter field will be equal to 25.