# Custom scripts

You can use custom scripts to customize the module behaviour.
You can create javascript files in these folders:

  • /js/dynamic (create the dynamic folder if it doesn't exist)
  • /themes/[current theme]/assets/js/dynamic

The file name should be:

  • custom.js (if you want to target all products)
  • customX.js (if you want to only target the product with ID=X)
    For example, if you want to target product #10, you can create a file named custom10.js

# Detecting when the module is loaded

Since the module loading is deferred, you need to listen for the dp-loaded event in order to execute your custom script correctly

$(document).on("dp-loaded", function () {
  // ... your custom script

# Detecting a field change

To detect a field change, you can create a function with the same name as the field but prefixed with dp_.
For example, if you have a field named width, you can create a function named dp_width.
Code example:

function dp_width(value) {
  // The current value of the field

If you have a field which has options, the selected options will also be passed to the custom function

function dp_dropdown(value, selected_options) {
  // selected_options is an array containing the IDs of the selected options
  console.log(value, selected_options);


The functions that listen to field changes should be defined in the global scope, not inside the dp-loaded event handler.

# Updating the properties of a field

You can change a field properties from the custom script, for that you need to use the updateField function.
Code example:

updateField(field_name, props);

// This example will change the value of the width field as well as the min, max and step properties
updateField("width", {
  value: 50,
  min: 10,
  max: 100,
  step: 10

The props object can have these items

// The props interface has this shape
export interface IFieldSettings {
  value: string | number;
  value_formatted: string;
  min: number;
  max: number;
  step: number;
  required: number;
  max_size: number;
  min_date: string;
  max_date: string;
  multiselect: boolean;
  display_value_price: number;
  display_secondary_value_price: number;
  display_in_popup: number;

Some field types display the value_formatted property, such as the price field.

To update it, you can use this code for example

updateField("price_field", {
  value: 50,
  value_formatted: '50€'

# Get a field properties

You can use the getField function to get the properties of a field.

var props = getField("width");

The value of props will have this shape

  active: 1
  common: 0
  description: ""
  dir: "/dynamicproduct/images/field"
  ext: ".jpg"
  favorite: 0
  force_id: false
  id: 66
  id_group: "0"
  id_product: 11
  id_unit: 0
  image_url: null
  init: 0
  label: "Width"
  linked: "0"
  name: "width"
  options: []
  position: "2"
  settings: {
    color: null
    dir: null
    display_in_popup: null
    display_secondary_value_price: null
    display_value_price: null
    ext: ".jpg"
    extensions: null
    extra: null
    force_id: false
    hide_when_empty: 1
    id: null
    id_field: 66
    id_unit: null
    init: null
    max: null
    max_date: null
    max_size: null
    min: null
    min_date: null
    min_height: null
    min_width: null
    multiselect: null
    position: null
    price_unit: null
    required: null
    show_in_summary: 0
    step: 1
    thumb_suffix: "-thumb.jpg"
  thumb_suffix: "-thumb.jpg"
  thumb_url: null
  type: 1
  unit: {
    dir: null
    displayed: 1
    ext: ".jpg"
    force_id: false
    id: null
    name: null
    position: null
    symbol: null
    thumb_suffix: "-thumb.jpg"
  value: ""

# Detecting a calculation result

You can subscribe to the module stores in order to detect the calculation results.
The module uses Svelte stores (opens new window) under the hood.

Code example:

dp_calc.subscribe(function (data) {

The data will have this shape

  customization_prices: {
    price_ht: 10
    price_ht_nr: 10
    price_ttc: 12
    price_ttc_nr: 12
  debug_messages: null
  final_prices: {
    price_ht: 20
    price_ht_nr: 20
    price_ttc: 24
    price_ttc_nr: 24
  formatted_prices: {
    price_ht: "€20.00"
    price_ht_nr: "€20.00"
    price_ttc: "€24.00"
    price_ttc_nr: "€24.00"
  formatted_unit_prices: {
    price_ht: "€20.00"
    price_ht_nr: "€20.00"
    price_ttc: "€24.00"
    price_ttc_nr: "€24.00"
  input_fields: {
    width: {
      dir: null
      ext: ".jpg"
      field: {
        // information about the field, similar to the value returned by getField
      force_id: false
      id: null
      id_field: 66
      id_input: 0
      id_shop_list: []
      image_url: null
      label: "Width"
      name: "width"
      options: "[]"
      position: null
      secondary_value: "0"
      selected_options: []
      thumb_suffix: "-thumb.jpg"
      thumb_url: null
      type: 1
      value: 0
      value_formatted: 0
      visible: 1
  met_conditions: []
  oos: false
  success: 1
  unit_prices: {
    price_ht: 20, price_ht_nr
    20, price_ttc
    24, price_ttc_nr
  use_tax: true
  visibility: {
    groups: []
  weight: 0
  weight_formatted: "0 kg"

# Detecting any change on fields

You can subscribe to the fields store to detect any change on the fields.
The result will be an object containing each field Example code

dp_fields.subscribe(function (fields) {

The fields variable will have this shape

  width: {
    dir: null
    ext: ".jpg"
    field: {
      // information about the field, similar to the value returned by getField
    force_id: false
    id: null
    id_field: 0
    id_input: 0
    id_shop_list: []
    image_url: null
    label: null
    name: "changed"
    options: ""
    position: null
    secondary_value: "0"
    selected_options: ""
    thumb_suffix: "-thumb.jpg"
    thumb_url: null
    type: 4
    value: "width"
    value_formatted: "width"
    visible: 0
  height: {
    // same shape as the width field 
  // ...

# Validating the fields

If you need to validate the fields programmatically, you can use the validateFields function.

Example code:

var isValid = validateFields();
// isValid will be either true or false based on the validity of the fields
// The module will highlight errors and will scroll to the first visible error

# Saving the customization

If you need to save the customization programmatically, then you can use the dpSaveCustomization

Example code

// Signature
declare function dpSaveCustomization (add_to_cart: boolean): Promise<any>;


dpSaveCustomization(true).then(function (response) {
  // response is either true or false based on the success of the operation

# Changing the module position in the page

You can change the module position by changing the dp_hook variable and set it to any selector or html element.
The module will then be positioned inside the selected hook. If you want to position the module after the hook, you can use the dp_hook_after variable.

window.dp_hook = "#my_location"; // A jQuery selector
window.dp_hook = $("#my_location"); // A jQuery element
window.dp_hook = document.getElementById("my_location"); // A DOM element


You can also use the custom hook in your theme tpl.

# Setting the price element

In some cases, the module isn't able to find the price element because the theme has a different html structure than the default theme. To fix that, you can set the variable dp_price_hook to tell the module which element to update after calculating the price.

Code example

window.dp_price_hook = ".product-prices span.price";

To indicate the regular price element (in case you have a discount that is displayed), you can set the variable dp_regular_price_hook

window.dp_regular_price_hook = ".product-prices span.regular-price";

# Customizing the discount table

You can change the prices that are displayed on the discount table by changing these variables:

// The index of the column that contains the discount. 
// Default: -1 (last column)
window.dp_discounts_td_index = -1

// The type of the discount. Can be "totals" | "unit_prices" | "savings" | "disabled". 
// Default: "totals"
window.dp_discounts_display_type = "totals"

# Customizing the preview function

You can set the selectors for the product images section if your theme has a different html structure than the default theme.

# Product images section

// The selector for the product images section. 
// Default: ".product-images"
window.dp_product_images_selector = ".product-images"

# Image container section

// The whole product preview section. 
// Default: ".images-container"
window.dp_images_container_selector = ".images-container"

# Product cover section

// The cover image section. 
// Default: ".images-container .product-cover"
window.dp_product_cover_selector = ".images-container .product-cover"

# Other custom jQuery selectors

You can set custom jQuery selectors for a few elements, such as the cart button and the product image

Code example

window.dp_cart_btn_selector = "...";
window.dp_product_image_selector = "...";

# Custom fields

Check how to create custom fields here